Anies Removes Progressive Sanctions For Recurring Health Protocol Violators

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan removed the application of progressive sanctions or multiple sanctions for parties who repeatedly violate health protocols.

This was confirmed by the Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria. Riza said that this elimination was carried out because it refers to Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 which does not regulate progressive sanctions.

"Because there is no progressive in the Perdanya, so we are no longer progressive. Don't let the Pergub make more policies than the Perda," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 20.

Thus, the provisions related to progressive fines regulated in Pergub Number 101 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Governor Regulation Number 79 of 2020 concerning the Application of Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols as Efforts to Prevent and Control COVID-19 are officially revoked.

However, said Riza, it does not mean that the public can underestimate the imposition of sanctions by not complying with health protocols. This is because the DKI Provincial Government will continue to tighten monitoring of health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We want the patrols to be increased, the frequency will be increased. We will increase the front line. Not only in the city center, but also to the RT-RW," said Riza.

The removal of progressive sanctions is legalized in Governor Regulation Number 3 of 2021. In Pergub 3/2021, it is stated that every person who does not wear a mask in accordance with health standards while outside the home is subject to sanctions in the form of social work and a maximum fine of IDR 250 thousand.

Then, every company that violates the provisions of the workplace health protocol is given a written warning. If the violation is repeated, the office is sealed for three days. If you repeat it again, the company will be fined IDR 50 million.

Similar provisions in the workplace also apply to hotels, tourist attractions, educational units, modes of transportation, to restaurants or restaurants.