11 Regencies / Cities In South Kalimantan Are Threatened With Harvest Failure Due To Flood, Need 500 Tons Of Rice Seeds

JAKARTA - Deputy Head of the Flood Disaster Management Task Force for South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Brigadier General of the TNI, Firmansyah, said that as many as 11 regencies and cities are threatened with crop failure due to floods.

"The total area of rice fields under threat of crop failure is 18,356 hectares," said Firmansyah during a press conference on the development of flood management in South Kalimantan, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 20.

Commander of Korem (Danrem) 101 / Antasari Province of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) added, to overcome the shortage of grain supply, especially in disaster areas, at least 500 tons of rice seed assistance is needed.

The floods that occurred not only damaged the community's rice fields but also damaged fish cultivation.

Of the four sub-districts that were hit by the flood, 48 plots of fish ponds, 67 floating net cages and 17 bags of fish food were also affected by the flood.

"This will have an impact on the economy in South Kalimantan," said Firmansyah.

In addition, flooding also resulted in losses in the livestock sector owned by residents, especially in the five affected districts and cities. The losses suffered are ducks, cows, goats, chickens and buffalo.

On that occasion, Firmansyah said there were several needs that were needed until the emergency response period, including around 1,400 refugee tents.

Furthermore, about 80 sets of general kitchen utensils, engined inflatable boats, rubber boats, reservoirs, mattress mats, lighting tools, clothes, baby diapers, masks, hand sanitizer and so on.

"We also need ready-to-eat food, milk, eggs, baby milk, rice, instant noodles and others," he said.