Proud To Be A Prosecutor, Pinangki: It Is Not Possible For Me To Betray

JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari admits that he feels proud to be a member of the corps of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia. This was conveyed during the hearing of the pledoi reading of the case he was accused of.

"Even though the positions I hold are not prestigious and strategic positions, this does not diminish the sense of pride and gratitude for me and my parents," said Pinangki, sobbing as he read the defense note at the Jakarta Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor), reported by Antara, Wednesday, January 20.

Pinangki has been a prosecutor since 2007. Furthermore, in 2011 he served as functional prosecutor in the Civil Administration of the State (Datun), in 2012 Pinangki served as a functional prosecutor in the Supervision Sector, in 2014 Pinangki served as echelon 4 as Head of Sub-Directorate for Statistics and Analysis at the Data Information Center and Criminal Statistics (Pusdakrimti) of the Attorney General's Office.

"Because I have become the only prosecutor in my family. Of course it is my determination to continue to serve and do my best for the prosecutor's corps," said Pinangki.

According to Pinangki, a sense of pride and gratitude for the Attorney's office was always engraved in him so that it was impossible for my Pinangki to betray the Attorney's office.

"There's no way I betrayed by avoiding a fugitive to be executed," added Pinangki.

Pinangki also revealed that from the beginning the witnesses in the trial revealed that in their meeting with Joko Tjandra, he always asked Joko Tjandra to carry out his sentence first and then legal measures were taken to be carried out by Anita Kolopaking.

"As a child and also a parent, of course I was devastated as well as with my family or parents that I lost my father who died last Sunday due to illness," said Pinangki, crying again.

Pinangki admitted to feeling guilty and sorry.

"Of course it is a tragedy that makes me feel guilty, sorry, I have not been able to make my parents happy and I cannot accompany them to care for them when they are sick because I did this," said Pinangki.

In this case, prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari was charged with 4 years in prison plus a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

The three actions of Pinangki, namely accepting bribes amounting to 450 thousand US dollars (around Rp.6.6 billion) from the convicted Bank Bali "cessie" case Djoko Tjandra, laundering money totaling 337,600 US dollars and carrying out an evil conspiracy by promising 10 million US dollars to officials at AGO and MA to thwart the execution of Djoko Tjandra.