6 Daily Habits That Cause Facial Acne

JAKARTA - Acne often grows unexpectedly. Actually, the growth of acne is not without reason. Because, every activity and habit can trigger the growth of acne. Like the daily habits below. This habit can trigger acne, both on the cheeks and other facial parts such as the chin, forehead, and nose.

Often stay up late
Illustration of staying up late (Freepik / Diana.grytsku)

Every time you don't get enough sleep for an hour, your stress level will increase by 14 percent. Launching from WebMD, stress can trigger the release of the hormone cortisol. An increase in the hormone cortisol can damage the skin structure and trigger inflammation in the body.

So don't be surprised if staying up late is one of the habits that causes acne to grow. This was confirmed by Jessica Krant, MD, MPH. He is an assistant lecturer in clinical dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center New York.

He said that acne will get worse if you get used to sleeping late. Staying up late can also lead to other skin problems such as contact dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.

Long time no change pillowcases
Red pillow illustration (Pexels / Jens Mahnke)

Don't be surprised if when you wake up, pimples appear on your cheeks. This is due to not changing the pillowcase for a long time so that the dirt on the pillow sticks to the face. The best advice, regularly change pillowcases, bolsters and bed sheets to avoid acne growth.

Touch your face often
Illustration of touching face (Pexels / Ryanniel Masucol)

With the naked eye, germs and dirt stuck to the hands cannot be seen. If you touch your face often, consciously or not, it can be a cause of acne. To fix this, reduce touching your face too often, especially without washing your hands first.

It is rare to clean the makeup applicator
Makeup brush illustration (Pexels / cottonbro)

The habit of applying makeup needs to be balanced by diligently cleaning makeup applicators such as brushes and puffs. At least, wash it once a month so that it doesn't become a nest of bacteria that causes acne.

Often forget to wash your face
Illustration of sleeping with makeup (Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio)

Washing your face does not need to be frequent, but after activities or before bed, try to clean your face first. Apart from doing outdoor activities, after exercising it is also good to wash your face to get rid of dirt that clogs skin pores.

Likes to eat spicy food
Illustration of eating chili sauce (Pexels / Rodnae)

Although everyone has a different pH balance, eating spicy foods can also cause acne to develop. That is, pay attention to the type of food consumed. Try evaluation, what acne appears after eating.

Acne is not desirable to grow, but acne is also a sign that we need to correct bad habits that affect the balance of the body.