Get To Know The Benefits Of Telang Flowers For Health

JAKARTA - Not only does it beautify the yard, the telang flower which has the Latin name Clitoria ternatea L. in many literatures has proven its health benefits.

These vines can flower all year round. This means that its use as tea will never run out of ingredients.

Now the flower telang is very widely used. Not only as a garnish to sweeten dishes in fancy restaurants, traditional teahouses also sell steeping dried telang flowers.

Launching a study published in the Journal of Functional Food and Nutraceutical various benefits of this blue flower are very diverse. All flower petals are useful as antioxidants, antidiabetic, antiobesitas, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, and protect liver tissue.

Bunga telang, although it has a Latin name related to Ternate Island, according to various versions does not come from there. To be sure, these vines with blue flower petals come from tropical climates.

Various countries use telang flowers for treatment, including in India, Pakistan, Sudan, the Philippines, Cuba and Ghana. In India, telang flowers are used to treat insomnia, facilitate menstruation, prevent recurrence of malaria and help expel chronic bronchitis sputum.

The ancient system of medicine in India or called Ayurveda, calls the telang flower aparajita which means 'the invincible'.

In the ancient medical system, telang was used in the Medhaya Rasayana ingredient. This material is a mixture of herbs, including flower telang, which is believed to be effective in rejuvenating the brain and healing neurological disorders.

In Saudi Arabia, the leaves, seeds, and flowers of telang are used to treat liver disease. Especially the leaves, for the people of Madagascar it is used to relieve joint pain. Not only that, in Myanmar, you mix telang flowers in the juice to cure sore eyes.

In Indonesia, various benefits can be taken from the telang flower. First, related to health served brewed. Either in dry or wet conditions, the benefits will not diminish. Second, as a natural dye for food and textile products.

Telang flower extract has been proven in scientific tests to reduce blood sugar levels. In the telang flower extract, it can increase the activity of glucocunation enzymes which are responsible for converting glucose into glucose 6-phosphate. This is a step in limiting glucose metabolism.

The glycemic index of various kinds of flour can also be lowered by extract of telang flowers. When combined with pomegranate flowers, it will produce hypoglycemic activity which is equivalent to the blood sugar-lowering drug metformin.

Telang flower or also known as butterfly pea can also be useful in maintaining facial skin. In order not to get acne easily and show signs of aging, try brewing a glass of telang flower tea.