Must Know! These Are The Requirements And How To Take Care Of The IMB Of The House That Has Been Built
YOGYAKARTA Permit to build a building (IMB) must be taken care of before the building begins to be established. So, what if the building was already built without an IMB? Related to this, the application for an IMB with conditions at the location can still be issued by the IMB. Here are the requirements for how to take care of the IMB of the house that has been built.
How to manage the IMB of houses that have been built is actually the same as the imposition of IMB issuance in general.
Summarized from various sources, Wednesday, May 10, 2023, how to manage the IMB of houses that have been built can be done by visiting the IMB service counter at the local Investment and One Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP).
However, before visiting the IMB service counter, building owners need to bring a number of general requirements to take care of the IMB, including:
After all the requirements above are complete, you can follow the ways to take care of the IMB of the house that has been built below:
That's information about the terms and how to manage the IMB of the house that has been built. To get other interesting information, keep reading VOI.ID.