Surabaya City Government Establishes Disaster Care Post

SURABAYA - The concern of the Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) for victims of natural disasters is shown by the establishment of a humanitarian post.

Acting Mayor (Plt) of the Mayor of Surabaya, Whisnu Sakti Buana, said the post for disaster care was a form of the Surabaya City Government's concern for the victims who were stricken by a disaster. The goal is to accommodate and distribute all assistance to victims of natural disasters that hit several regions in Indonesia.

"We instructed us to open the Surabaya Care Post so that we can help our brothers and sisters who were hit by the disaster in West Sulawesi, South Kalimantan and North Sulawesi," said Whisnu, in Surabaya, Wednesday, January 20.

Whisnu said, the Surabaya Disaster Care Post was opened since last Monday. It is planned that this post will continue to be opened until the need for assistance in the disaster area has been met. "This means that we have no time limit until when we open it. So that the aid will continue to flow there," he said.

As for the distribution mechanism itself, his party admits that it will coordinate with the local government. Later, when the aid has been collected, the municipal government will immediately send it to the disaster site. "If the aid has been collected so that it can be sent, we will immediately send it. But we will continue to open the post," he said.

He also appealed to all people who have sustenance to participate in helping those who are currently in need. Various types of assistance, including money, food, masks, or clothes suitable for use can be channeled directly through the disaster care posts at Surabaya City Hall.

Posko cares about the Surabaya disaster

In addition, the community can also donate in the form of money, and it can be transferred through a Bank Jatim account with number 001-7739-140, in the name of 'Surabaya Cares for Disasters'.

"We convey to all residents of Surabaya who care to help our brothers and sisters who are affected by this tragedy can deliver their assistance in any form to our post at the Surabaya City Hall. We have also given a circular to all ASN (State Civil Service) so they can distribute help, "he said.

In the same place, the Secretary of BPB and Linmas for the City of Surabaya, Yusuf Masruh, added that based on the information he received, currently the urgent assistance at the disaster site is tents and food. "There, what's crucial now is the food and tents that are needed. For Surabaya residents, if there is sustenance, they can distribute aid through the Surabaya Disaster Care Post," said Yusuf.

He revealed, until the second day it was opened, his party had received assistance in the form of goods and money. The assistance received comes from residents and employees of the Surabaya City Government. "Later, after this it is collected either in the form of money or goods, we can immediately distribute it," he concluded.