Today's Jakarta Weather Is Forecasted To Be Sunny And Cloudy

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the weather in parts of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) will be cloudy throughout the day.

Reported by ANTARA from, in Jakarta, Wednesday, the entire DKI Jakarta area is predicted to be sunny and cloudy with temperatures between 24-33 degrees Celsius and humidity of 60-95 percent.

In the Bogor area, the weather will be sunny and cloudy in the morning, then light rain during the day and night with temperatures ranging from 20-32 degrees Celsius and humidity 65-95 percent.

The Depok and Bekasi areas have sunny cloudy weather in the morning and afternoon, but there will be light rain at night with an average temperature of 23-33 degrees Celsius and humidity of 65-95 percent.

Meanwhile, Tangerang is expected to be sunny and cloudy throughout the day with an average temperature of 24-33 degrees Celsius and humidity of 60-95 percent.