Donald Trump's Contribution During His Presidency And The Homework Left Behind Joe Biden

JAKARTA - The President of the United States (US) elected Joe Biden will be sworn in today, Wednesday, January 20, at 11.30 local time or 23.30 WIB. President Donald Trump himself is known to have left the White House and is preparing to leave his post as US President.

In his farewell speech, Trump revealed his contribution during his tenure as US President. One of them is about the Middle East peace agreement. According to him, this is a proud achievement, even claiming that he was the first US president to take this step.

"We are revitalizing our alliance and gathering countries in the world to fight China like never before," Trump said, quoted by VOI from CNN.

"I am very proud to be the first president in decades not to start a new war," Trump continued.

Trump also claimed to have accepted the results of the US Presidential Election. Furthermore, he will hand over the reins of leadership to Biden. It's just that the handover of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden was accompanied by a lot of homework to be done by the elected president.

One of them is the Covid-19 death rate in Uncle Sam which has reached the latest record. Launching the Associated Press, the death rate of US citizens due to the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus, which causes the Covid-19 disease, has reached 400 thousand people.

This number is expected to continue to grow, considering that the Covid-19 pandemic will not end anytime soon. "This is another step on an unpleasant death path," said the director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, Irwin Redlener.

“Everything about how this (Covid-19) is handled has been filled with incompetence and dishonesty. And now we pay a high price, "continued Redlener.

On Tuesday, January 19, John Hopkins University reported the death toll from Covid-19 in the US to reach 400,000. This figure is greater than the resident population in New Orleans, Cleveland or Tampa, Florida.

To overcome the problem of the Covid-19 pandemic during the Trump administration, Biden claimed to have prepared a number of strategies, including providing 100 million Covid-19 vaccines within 100 days of his administration as US President.

"The first 100 days we can change the course of disease and change life in America for the better," said Joe Biden in December 2020.