BI: Local Government Efforts To Be Able To Control Inflation In Solo

SOLO - Bank Indonesia (BI) stated that the local government (Pemda)'s efforts to stabilize basic food prices have been able to control inflation in Solo, Central Java, in 2023.

Head of the Solo Bank Indonesia (BI) Office Nugroho Joko Prastowo said inflation after Lebaran 2023 remained under control, namely 0.71 percent in May and 0.89 percent in June.

In addition, he said, the loss of the impact of rising fuel oil prices (BBM) in annual inflation will further reduce the level of inflation in Surakarta City in 2023 so that inflation for the entire 2023 is projected to return to the target range of 3+/-1 percent.

He said the national movement to control food inflation (GNPIP) launched since the middle of last year had raised awareness to control the risk of inflation so that it was better prepared to face the inflationary pressure cycle.

The movements carried out include market operations and low-cost markets, planting movements and planting patterns arrangements, providing food commodity transportation subsidies, strengthening cooperation between regions to ensure supply availability, and agricultural production facilities assistance.

Even during Ramadan, local governments are also actively organizing cheap markets that can be followed by the wider community.

The purpose of organizing these activities is to maintain people's purchasing power and control basic food prices during Ramadan and Eid.

Meanwhile, he continued, Surakarta's city inflation in April 2023 was recorded at 0.27 percent or decreased significantly compared to 2022 which reached 1.47 percent. "This condition has an impact on reducing the Surakarta City's annual inflation rate to 5.11 percent from the previous month of 6.37 percent. Meanwhile, in the current year or cumulatively until April 2023, 1.31 percent decreased from the same period last year of 3.16 percent," he said.