Recipients Of Cash Social Assistance Are Asked To Come On Schedule To Prevent Crowds

JAKARTA - DKI Social Service together with BUMD Bank DKI is distributing cash social assistance (bansos) to residents of Jakarta whose economy is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The distribution of cash social assistance has been held since Tuesday, January 12. Until now, it is still being distributed to the public until it is scheduled for completion at the end of January 2021.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Herry Djufraini, as the organizer of cash social assistance, asked residents who had not yet collected the cash assistance provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the form of cards to attend according to the schedule. This, said Herry, aims to avoid crowds in order to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

"Recipients of cash social assistance (BST) who come to the location must bring invitations, ID cards and family cards as a condition for taking the assistance. BST recipients are expected to come according to the schedule to avoid crowds," Herry said in his statement, Wednesday, January 20.

Meanwhile, for BST recipients who are unable to attend according to the distribution schedule, recipients will be invited back at the second invitation until the invitation is made after the first distribution is completed in 5 areas of DKI Jakarta and the Thousand Islands.

"DKI Bank gives appreciation to BST recipients who have complied with the Health protocol at the location of BST distribution distribution originating from the DKI Regional Budget," he said.

Previously, a member of the PSI DPRD DKI faction, August Hamonangan, asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to be aware of new problems after the distribution of the cash social assistance. He said, there was a potential crowd of residents because they had to be present in person to collect a card containing cash social assistance.

"The DKI Provincial Government must continue to provide supervision, must ensure the safety and security of residents in the distribution of BST. Do not endanger the officers in the field or BST recipients, because of a crowd or wearing masks incorrectly," said August.

For information, there are two parties who distribute cash assistance to DKI residents with a nominal value of Rp. 300 thousand per month for four months. Apart from the DKI Pemprov, as many as 750 thousand families were handed over through PT Pos by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Apart from cash assistance, the government also has an assistance program in 2021, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH), namely the Basic Food Card. This assistance is given to families other than cash assistance recipients.

In Jakarta, cash social assistance distribution locations are in 160 location points from each administrative city area of DKI Jakarta. The BST is distributed through the account and given in the form of a Bank DKI Savings Card and ATM Card.

In the collection, the recipient of the cash social assistance is required to bring an Invitation, KTP and Family Card in the original form and a photocopy. If the BST Recipient is unable to attend according to the distribution schedule, the recipient will be invited back on the second invitation and the third invitation made after the first distribution is complete.