A Long Way To Form A Jiwasraya Special Committee In The DPR

JAKARTA - The PKS Faction again reminded the DPR leadership about the proposal to form a Jiwasraya special committee (Pansus) which they submitted together with the Democratic Party Faction. PKS also reminded the Pansus not to be tackled before it was formed.

The proposal for the formation of the Jiwasraya Special Committee was submitted by PKS and Democrats on February 4. A total of 50 members from the PKS faction and 54 members from the Democratic Party faction signed their agreement to propose the special committee for the Jiwasraya inquiry rights.

PKS Faction Chairperson Jazuli Juwaini hopes that the proposal for the formation of the Jiwasraya Special Committee will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

"Don't be impressed before the democratic process has been intercepted, that's not allowed," said Jazuli, at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 13.

He explained that the proposal for the formation of a special committee submitted by PKS and Democrats had met the requirements. Jazuli asked the DPR leadership to let the democratic process at the plenary session proceed as it is. He is also ready if the proposal for the formation of this special committee ends in a vote and is rejected by the majority of the members of the council present.

"We hope that the leadership of the DPR will also respect the laws and regulations that as long as it meets the requirements, it must be processed. The problem in making decisions will lose the voting, yes, there is democracy. Do not prevent it before it is discussed," he said.

"We will accept and respect democracy. But at least and the most important thing must be processed first according to the laws and regulations," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker of the DPR, Azis Syamsuddin, said that the formation of the Jiwasraya special committee has a long way to go. However, the proposal has been accepted by the DPR Secretariat General and will be processed administratively.

The material for the proposal will be scheduled and discussed in the Rapim (Leadership Meeting) to be decided in the Bamus (Deliberative Council). After that the proposal will be read out in the DPR Plenary Session as the highest decision-making forum.

"Yes, in Bamus and Rapim, we consider all input, whether the proposal needs to be brought to the plenary session or not. At the plenary session that will decide the formation of the Special Committee or not. The mechanism is like that. So all need a process and respect the rules of the game in parliament," said Aziz. .

"So there is no guarantee that it will be read out in the nearest plenary meeting forum," he continued.

Azis explained, currently the Jiwasraya Working Committee (Working Committee) has been formed at the DPR commission level, namely the Panja in Commission III, Commission VI, and Commission XI which work to discuss the problem of default on the state-owned company policy.

"We'd better wait for the progress and results of the meeting at the Panja level first, so that there will be no overlapping in the handling of problems. We can't be in a hurry, because there are all mechanisms and procedures have been arranged," he said.