Ensure That The Evacuation Of Indonesian Citizens In Sudan Runs Smoothly, Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture: Those Affected By The Study Will Be Talked Later
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the government ensured that the evacuation of Indonesian citizens (WNI) in Sudan went smoothly.
Muhadjir said that his party also continues to coordinate regularly regarding the return of the Indonesian citizen.
"The safety of Indonesian citizens is a top priority from the government, therefore the evacuation process continues to be carried out to ensure all citizens are safe from the conflict that occurred in Sudan," he said in Balikpapan, Friday, May 5, which was confiscated by Antara.
The Coordinating Minister said that technically some residents who had arrived in the country were still stationed at Wisma Haji Jakarta, and some had also been sent back to their respective areas of origin.
"Some (WNI) we accommodate at Wisma Haji Jakarta and some have returned to their respective hometowns. Both at their own initiative and government assistance, both central and regional. Everyone continues to coordinate," he said.
The former Minister of Education and Culture for the 2016-2029 term of service conveyed to Indonesian citizens, especially those with student status, not to worry about the continuation of the study they were taking.
The government, he said, is certainly committed to finding a solution for the continuation of their delayed education due to this incident.
"For students, who are affected by the study, we will discuss it further and of course we will find the best alternative. The important thing is now safety first," he said.
Also accompanying the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy on this occasion, namely the Head of the East Kalimantan Communications and Information Office (Diskominfo) Muhammad Faisal, in the VIP room of Sultan Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, not long after the agenda for welcoming the arrival of Indonesian citizens from East Kalimantan from Sudan.