School Furniture Corruption Inmates In Aceh Returns Rp. 500 Million, Pajero Car Auctioned

BANDA ACEH - Aceh Jaya District Prosecutor's Office received state losses of IDR 500 million returned by convicted corruption convicts of school furniture procurement at the Aceh Jaya District Education Office for the 2016 fiscal year.

Head of the Special Crimes Section, Yudhi Saputra, said that the corruption convict who returned the country's losses was on behalf of Faisal bin Kamaruzzaman.

"The Rp500 million in cash was delivered directly by the convict's family to the Aceh Jaya District Prosecutor's Office on Tuesday at 12.30 WIB. The return is an implementation of the court's decision," Yudhi Saputra said in Aceh Jaya, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 19.

Faisal bin Kamaruzzaman was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of IDR 200 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison. Apart from imprisonment, Faisal bin Kamaruzzaman was also sentenced to pay a replacement fee of Rp1.946 billion.

If the convicted person does not pay replacement money within a month after the court decision has permanent legal force, his property is confiscated and auctioned off to cover the replacement money.

If the convicted person does not have sufficient assets to pay replacement money, he will be punished with imprisonment for three years in prison.

"The sentence is based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia which strengthens the decision of the Banda Aceh High Court and the Banda Aceh Corruption Court," said Yudhi Saputra.

Yudhi Saputra said the replacement money that had been collected from the convicted person, Faisal bin Kamaruzzaman, reached Rp. 827.7 million, more than the total amount of Rp1, 946 billion.

The details of the replacement money that had been collected consisted of Rp. 500 million which was handed over by the family, Rp. 40 million in confiscation, and Rp. 287.7 million from the proceeds from the auction for a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport car.

"The remaining replacement money to be paid by the convict is Rp1,118 billion. If it does not pay off, then the additional three-year sentence will be reduced by the amount of replacement money that has been returned," said Yudhi Saputra.