DuckDuckGo An Alternative Search Engine To Google

JAKARTA - DuckDuckGo is known as a search engine that prioritizes user privacy. That's what sets it apart from Google. This internet search engine does not display user profiles and has around 400 sources including Wikipedia.

As of last August, DuckDuckGo had an average of 65.2 million searches per day. This search engine displays Instant Answers on a search page designed to give its users instant answers without the need to click on a link to enter the relevant information source.

For more details, the user's search history will not be tracked. Not only that, users' personal data will not be shared with companies from third parties, as quoted by PhoneArena.

DuckDuckGo earns money through serving ads on its network, Yahoo-Bing. In 2018, DuckDuckGo raised US $ 25 million. The company targets the growth of this search engine to reach 30 percent annually in the next five years.

With such a growth target, it is predicted that the company will reap US $ 100 million in one year. Last year, the number of searches performed via DuckDuckGo was around 23.7 billion, an increase of 62 percent annually.

Last week, the company based in Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA, managed to set a company record. At that time, the search queries in one day reached 102,251,307, on January 11.

“People come to us because they want more privacy, and that usually spreads word of mouth. People are looking for other alternatives to the technology business security model, ”said Kamyl Bazbaz, DuckDuckGo's vice president of communications as quoted by USA Today, Monday, January 18.

This search platform is available for iOS, Android and as an additional extension on Google Chrome. In total, there are already 25 million people using this search engine service.

According to a recent report, DuckDuckGo has handled more than 102.2 million dances in one day. Where this number has recorded a new company record.

As additional information, popular search engines such as Google and the YouTube video platform collect users' personal data to encourage massive advertising. This is what DuckDuckGo wants to avoid.