Looking At The Two Popular Foundations, What's The Difference Between A Foundation And A Cushion?

JAKARTA - In the beauty industry, there are two basic products that are often confused. The two of them looked alike but were also not exactly the same. It is foundation and cushion.

Both foundation and cushion are used as a base for makeup. So after using a series of facial treatments, one of these products can be applied to the face to even out the skin tone, cover up flaws in the face such as black spots or acne scars, and make the skin texture look smoother.

What are the similarities and differences between a foundation and a cushion? Here's the explanation:


Foundation is one of the most popular foundations for a long time. Generally, it has a liquid texture and is packaged in glass bottles. However, there are also dense foundations that are textured like cream, but the name has not really been heard lately.

Because the texture is liquid or sometimes a bit thick, foundation can be used a few drops to the face. How to apply it with your fingers, although a little bit rarely, a brush, or a wet sponge.

For color choices, the foundation can be more varied because this product has been around for a long time. Many cosmetic brands have a choice of foundation colors from very white, olive, brown, to dark skin.

Usually foundations with high coverage are considered 'heavy' and are more commonly used for important events, such as parties or even weddings. However, many also use it for daily use.


Unlike foundations which are generally packaged in bottles, cushions have a more compact packaging, similar to powder. Although, the contents were both liquid. Most cushions come packaged with their applicator which is a special sponge with a soft surface.

The fluid from this cushion is actually similar to foundation, but is stored in the cushion. It is necessary to press the pads inside the package to remove the product.

For use, the same as foundation, used after facial care products, and before going into 'coloring' such as adding blush, bronzer, and highlighter.

How to use a cushion is somewhat easier and doesn't require any particular technique. Just press the sponge into the cushion until the product comes out then apply it to the skin until evenly distributed.

Generally, the cushion formula is made lighter and doesn't really give off a heavy impression. So this product is more comfortable for everyday wear and suitable for natural makeup.

However, because this product is relatively new, it can sometimes be difficult to choose colors. You'll need to research several brands until you find a color that works for you.