Cheap And Fun Hobby Inspiration For Free Time Content

JAKARTA - When you have free time, you might spend it relaxing while opening social media. When you are bored, what else can be done?

This is the time for you to take up a fun hobby and make free time productive.

Hobbies can hone your skills and creativity. In addition, having a hobby can also make the body healthier, eliminate boredom, reduce stress, and of course increase personal abilities.

Even though there are hobbies that seem expensive, for example collecting luxury items, traveling around the world, or maybe exercising on hundreds of millions of bicycles? However, there are many choices of other hobbies that are no less exciting and certainly cheap.

If you feel bored often lately, maybe you can consider the following hobbies to accompany your days to be more colorful:


Writing hobby is an inexpensive activity and can have a positive impact on mental health. You can write anything, from expressing feelings, thoughts, opinions, experiences, short stories, poetry, letters, things to be grateful for every day or maybe about dreams you want to achieve.

You can write to save yourself or share it publicly, for example writing on a private blog.


Reading can provide both entertainment and insight. If you have a collection of books that you haven't read yet, it's time to finish all reading. No need to buy new, you can read the free version of the digital book, borrow from the library, or even borrow from friends.


The hobby of cooking is also fun, you know, especially when you can enjoy the results with loved ones, or at least for yourself. If you never even entered the kitchen before, start with simple menus.

Nowadays learning to cook is practically easy. Just look for the menu you want, check the video tutorial on Youtube, and check the process. Over time, you can improve your skills by cooking more complex menus.


Another hobby idea that can keep you productive in your spare time is making crafts. Can sew, knit, embroider, arrange flowers, make origami, make accessories from used materials or even make pottery.