Just A Step Away, Bank Syariah Indonesia Is Targeted To Be Upgraded To BUKU IV Class In 2022

JAKARTA - Member of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Heru Kristiyana said that the core capital structure of Bank Syariah Indonesia or BSI has approached the category of Commercial Bank Business Activities (BUKU) IV.

"Currently, Islamic banks are the highest in the BUKU III group. We hope that with the establishment of Bank Syariah Indonesia it can reach BUKU IV and this is only a step away, ”he said in a virtual seminar on Tuesday, January 19.

Heru added, BSI's core capital structure currently amounts to around IDR 20 trillion. Within this range of figures, banking service institutions are still in the BUKU III category.

For information, based on Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 6 / POJK.03 / 2016 Concerning Business Activities and Office Networks Based on Bank Core Capital, the institution led by Wimboh Santoso divides four bank categories based on their core capital structure.

First, BUKU I bank with this capital is less than IDR 1 trillion. Both BUKU II are banks with core capital of at least IDR 1 trillion IDR 5 trillion.

The third is BUKU III with a core capital of at least Rp. 5 billion and less than Rp. 30 trillion. And the last is BUKU IV, which has a core capital of more than IDR 30 trillion.

"Because banks with strong capital will be better able to provide digital services and develop sharia services that have very wide product differentiation. This is important so that Islamic banks are chosen by the public to meet their needs and be able to continue to maintain the sharia ecosystem, "continued Heru.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Project Management Office (PMO) of the Merger of BUMN Sharia Banks Himbara Hery Gunardi gave a signal that efforts to upgrade the Indonesian Sharia Bank business would be carried out in the not too distant future.

"We hope to advance to BUKU IV in 2022," he said.

Hery, who is also appointed by the government as the President Director of Bank Syariah Indonesia, admitted that the company will have more flexibility in penetrating the market if it has full service development rights.

"We will encourage massive digital use in order to serve every customer need," he said.

The plan is that Bank Syariah Indonesia will be officially introduced to the public on February 1. OJK itself confirmed the merger permit from three government banks, namely PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Tbk. (BRIS) and PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI Syariah) will come out this week.