Members Checked By FBI, U.S. Secretary Of Defense: Normal!

JAKARTA - The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) examined about 25 thousand National Guard personnel from various states, who were brought to Washington DC to secure the inauguration of the elected President and Vice President-elect, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The inspection is intended to anticipate the possibility of a potential security threat from 'internal' security forces involved. This is related to a report by The Washington Post on Monday, where the FBI discussed the possibility of right-wing extremists posing as members of the National Guard in Washington.

In this regard, Acting Minister of Defense Christopher Miller said the investigative steps taken were normal anticipation for military support in major security events (inauguration of the president and vice president).

"It is normal for military support to secure major events. Although, we do not have intelligence analysis to suggest an internal threat. We are not playing games in securing Capitol Hill," he said.

National Guard troops passing near Capitol Hill. (Twitter / ChiefNGB)

Miller also appreciated, appreciated and praised the support of the FBI in carrying out security in Washington DC, to ensure that all soldiers are ready to carry out security duties so that tomorrow's inauguration takes place in an orderly and smooth manner.

Meanwhile, the US Army is also working with the FBI and the Secret Service today to take a deeper look at all of its soldiers who are deployed in security in Washington. This includes re-examining whether a more detailed examination process is needed of the troops involved in securing tomorrow's inauguration.

National Guard troops with Capitol Police. (Twitter / ChiefNGB)

"The background check of those involved in securing the area at the oath-taking location at tomorrow's inauguration ceremony is considered by the FBI and others to be a wise (anticipated) step," Acting Minister of Homeland Security Peter Gaynor.

He added that until now there was no indication or evidence of any threats being planned from the security forces internally. However, he ensured that his party would not play games in dealing with potential threats to a constitutional and peaceful transfer of power.