Detox Tea Is Said To Lose Weight, Is It Proven Effective?

JAKARTA - When looking for ways to lose weight, you will most likely come across information, or advertisements, about detox teas.

In recent years, detox teas have become popular because they have claims to reduce weight up to several kilograms. Surely this is very tantalizing, right? Just drink tea every morning or night, you can instantly slim down without any hassle.

However, before you are tempted to buy, let's first find out, what is detox tea and is it proven to be effective in losing weight?

According to the Harvard Medical School explanation, detox teas generally use laxative teas which do function to improve digestion. So don't be surprised if after drinking it, you will have more frequent bowel movements.

Detox teas also have diuretic properties, which make people urinate frequently. After drinking detox tea, you will go to the bathroom more often, which will make your body feel lighter.

Generally, detox teas have a claim to make the body more energized, lose weight, pass stool smoothly, and help the liver get rid of toxins in the body.

However, very few medical journals explain about detox that relies on tea and its relationship to body weight.

In some advertisements, detox teas are described as better than regular black or green tea. According to dietitian Anna Taylor, MS, RD, LD, green tea and black tea have been proven to provide health benefits.

In general, detox tea products contain ingredients other than green or black tea, for example, diuretic ingredients such as nettle leaves or laxatives such as senna leaves.

Anna said, drinking detox tea does not help burn fat. There is weight loss, but this is only temporary because the body loses waste and water weight.

"No tea, whatever it contains, can ward off the damage from a poor diet," explains Anna.

To increase the body's natural detoxification abilities, it is recommended that you eat 25-35 grams of fiber per day to facilitate bowel movements. Also drink enough water, eat fruits and vegetables every day, plus exercise regularly.

With this healthy lifestyle, the body will release toxins through sweat, also through urinating and defecating.

"We don't have any evidence that detox teas have the ability to flush toxins out of the body more than green tea," concluded Anna.

"Our organs, kidneys, liver, digestive tract, and immune system are our body's own natural detoxification centers. To date research has failed to prove any additional benefits of detox teas."

Instead of drinking detox tea, Anna suggests consuming green tea because it is usually lower in caffeine, as well as a higher antioxidant content.

Stella Metsovas, a specialist in intestinal health and a certified clinical nutritionist, said that there is no product that can miraculously detoxify the digestive tract, including the large intestine, unless you are diligent in eating fruits and vegetables.