Hit By Big Waves, A Ship With Palm Oil Sinks In The Waters Of East Jabung

JAKARTA - A large motor boat carrying palm oil and coconut fruit sank as a result of being hit by high waves in the waters of Cemara, Sadu District, East Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province, Monday, January 18.

There were no fatalities in the incident because the crew managed to save themselves and were helped by local fishermen.

"It is true that there was a motor boat loaded with palm and coconut fruit that sank and sank because of the high waves in the waters of Cemara, Tanjabtim, but the crew managed to survive and only the plantation commodities on the ship sank," said Head of the Tanjung Jabung Timur Police, AKBP Deden Nurhidayatullah. reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 19.

The sinking of the ship was discovered when carrying tens of tons of commodity oil palm and coconut plantations from Cemara Village which was to be delivered to one of the factories in Muara Sabak Barat Subdistrict, but due to large waves the ship sank.

The police chief said the incident took place on Monday morning, January 18, 2021, at around 08.00 WIB, when the boat headed for West Sabak at around 07.30 WIB, but arrived at Cemara waters, which is not far from the shoreline, was hit by waves and the ship immediately sank.

"All the crew members of the ship survived, meanwhile the commodity of oil palm plantations as much as 26 tons and fruit coconuts six tons all drowned along with the motor boat," said Deden.

Meanwhile, separately, the village head of Camara Syawal, confirmed that a ship had sunk in his area and that all the crew members were rescued by fishermen who were assisted by the TNI, police and local residents.