Sports That Women Must Avoid To Avoid From Injury, Here Are Other Movements To Replace

YOGYAKARTA - Sports is an activity that is beneficial for fitness and body health. However, there are several sports that women should avoid because their movements can cause injury.

A physiological expert, Kelly Drew, said that not all sports are suitable for women. Some sports can actually trigger injury after exercise. Although there are a number of sports that women should avoid, you don't need to be disappointed because there are solutions or alternative sports to replace them.

Many women like to exercise because they want to get a fit body. There are also those who are diligent in exercising to undergo a diet program to lose weight. But you should avoid the following sport because it can trigger injury.

The sit-up movement can tighten the stomach muscle and form it into a sixpack. But sit-up is one of the sports that is not suitable for women. Sit-up only moves part of the muscle and makes it shrink. One sit-up movement, lowering the shoulder to touch the floor, will make this movement ineffective.

If you want to shrink and tighten your stomach muscles, then you should do plank movements. In addition to being able to burn fat in the stomach, effective plank movements are also effective in shaping muscles in other parts, such as legs, shoulders, thighs, and hands. In addition, this movement also carries minimal risk of back injury.

Although the donkey kicks movement is fairly easy, there are still many people who do it wrong. This movement is useful for tightening toto glute or the buttocks.

The glute movement must focus on the buttocks muscles, but many people are still wrong about it, such as relying on the lower back muscles. The wrong movement can actually lead to back injuries.

Instead of donkey kicks, you should do a squat movement. This movement functions to strengthen the muscles of this butt, leg, and muscle in the body. How to do the squat movement is quite easy, just stand with your legs open as wide as your shoulders and lower the body like a sitting position.

The standing side Bends movement is usually done during stretching. Many women do this movement to make the stomach flat or thin. However, making the wrong movement can actually cause injury.

If you want to flatten your stomach, you should change the standing side Bends movement by doing a torso twist. The torso twist movement is easier to do and proves to be effective in tightening the inner abdomen muscles.

The way to do the torso twist movement is very easy, enough by sitting on the mat. Then both knees are bent and lifted until they are closer to the chest. When doing this movement, the body's focus is on the buttocks. Then do a movement of turning the body to the left and right slowly.

Many women do weightlifting to shrink their arms. However, doing this movement with repetition or repetition which is not very effective in shaping the arm muscles.

Lifting light loads with many repetitions is indeed effective in burning fat that accumulates in the arms. However, this movement is not very meaningful in shaping the arm muscles. In fact, repeating too much with the wrong movement has the potential to cause tense muscles and torn ligaments.

It is better to carry out a weightlifting movement with only a few repetitions, not too much repetition. This step is actually more effective in strengthening arm muscles and burning fat, and avoiding the risk of injury.

That's a review of sports that women should avoid. A number of sports above have the potential to trigger injury, especially if it is done with the wrong movement. Instead, you can do the exercise as mentioned above as a solution.

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