List Of Foods That Make You Sleepy, Immediately Yawn And Heavy Eyes After Consuming It

YOGYAKARTA - Sleepiness that arises after eating is often experienced by many people. Not because of fatigue, but indeed there are some foods that make you sleepy. After eating the food, usually your eyes will feel heavy and your body wants to be laid down.

Eating food does supply energy to the body. But on the other hand, there are a number of foods that actually raise drowsiness. Sleepiness after eating is certainly quite disturbing in some conditions of activity, such as when you want to work, go to school, drive, and so on.

If you are going to do activities, you should avoid consuming foods that make you sleepy. But on the other hand, these foods are also useful when you want to fall asleep but have difficulty sleeping and are beneficial for health. The following is a list of foods that make you sleepy.

White rice is the staple food of the Indonesian people because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Consuming rice will make you full quickly and energy will be filled immediately. Because it has become daily food, many people say it has not been called eating if you don't swallow rice.

But behind that, eating white rice will also cause drowsiness. Nasi has a high glycemic index (GI), which causes you to feel sleepy quickly. So you should not overeat white rice, especially in the morning and during the day.

Other foods that can make you sleepy are sweet potatoes. This food can also be used as a substitute for rice intake. In sweet potatoes is contained by B6 which can increase the mood and production of melatonin.

By consuming a mother before bed, your body will feel more relaxed. In addition, mothers also have a high fiber content that makes you feel full longer. So you don't have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night because of your stomach.

Consuming banana fruit also makes you easily sleepy. This fruit contains potassium and magnesium that cause drowsiness and helps muscle relaxation. A study in the Journal of Research and Medical states that magnesium has a positive impact on the sleep quality of older adults.

Because it causes drowsiness, banana consumption is very suitable for those of you who are hit by insomnia. Bananas have the effect of extending the duration of sleep and making them wake up faster. In addition, bananas also contain triptofans that work to calm and regulate the hormone serotonin and melatonin to speed up sleep.

Almond is also a food that makes you sleepy. This food contains high calcium that helps you sleep faster. Calcium can help the brain convert amino acid triptofan into melatonin that evokes drowsiness. Milk products that contain calcium and triptofan can trigger the appearance of drowsiness.

Oatmeal is one of the foods that makes you sleepy quickly. Foods that are usually consumed for breakfast can trigger insulin production on the body and increase sugar levels. In addition, melatonin is contained in the mineral which can make the body calmer.

Drinking skim milk will also make you sleepy faster. Milk has the amino acid content of triptofan which acts as the precursor of the hormone serotonin, which is a sleeping trigger.

Consumption of gandung bread can also make it easier for you to sleep. Eating whole wheat bread in the morning will make your sugar levels increase. Usually you will be more energetic after eating it. However, the glucose content in the wheat tori will decrease quickly, so you can easily feel tired and sleepy.

Those are a number of foods that make you sleepy. If you want to eat the food above, then you should not overeat or eat it at night. If you have trouble sleeping at night, then some of the above foods can be the solution.

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