Poirier Vs McGregor Is Not About Revenge, But Blood Shedding

JAKARTA - Ahead of their UFC 257 meeting, Dustin Poirier gave a warning to his opponent Conor McGregor. Poirier said he would beat McGregor at all costs.

As the pre-match talk escalated, McGregor predicted he would knock Poirier down in 60 seconds, something that didn't go well.

Not without reason. Poirier certainly wouldn't stand still. He was even prepared as best he could and was ready to take down McGregor.

"This is not about revenge," Poirier told MMA Junkie as reported by MARCA, Tuesday, January 19.

"It's about prosperity, about putting my family in a position to be successful.

"My plan is to beat Conor McGregor in whatever way it takes: Blood and guts and fight for the world title again."

Poirier added that the fight against McGregor was also about raising public awareness of contributing to the charity The Good Fight run by Poirier and his wife, Jolie.

Poirier initially auctioned off the clothes he wore to fight to raise money which he spent on various purposes around his home state of Louisiana. He then expanded his reach globally to help people in need.

She has helped raise money to help build a water well in Uganda, provided the necessary equipment for students on their way to school, and purchased car seats for a local hospital to help mothers bring their children home safely.

Poirier is also helping students adapt to a world that is changing due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"This is a lot of things. It's about being 'world champion'," he added.

Poirier then touched on McGregor's fighting style. He believes that with his current experience he can overcome The Notorious.

"He is very dangerous. Luckily this is a 25 minute fight, and I feel like I have grown up and developed my skills enough to be in the right moment and take the right opportunities and not harm myself," he concluded.

The McGregor versus Poirier battle will be held January 23 at Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. McGregor didn't need too much time the last time he faced Poirier.

It took him just 1 minute 46 seconds to win TKO first round over Poirier in the UFC 178 featherweight bout in 2014.