JCI Dropped To 5,800s

JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) fell at the close of trading Thursday, February 13. JCI fell 41.13 points or 0.70 percent to the level of 5,871.95.

A total of 119 stocks rose, but 284 fell, and 135 stocks were stagnant. The trading volume was recorded at 6.17 billion shares with a transaction value of IDR 6.80 trillion.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst M. Nafan Aji Gustama said the drop in the JCI today was due to the issue of the spread of COVID-19. According to him, this is the most crucial issue because it causes a systemic impact on the behavior of market players.

"So they tend to refrain from investing in risky assets such as in the capital market, which causes the JCI to weaken," Nafan told VOI.

In fact, he continued, the spread of COVID-19 has also been touched on by the Governor of The Fed Jerome Powell because it is a major threat that has the potential to hinder the performance of global economic growth.

This afternoon, stocks that were among the top gainers included PT Pelayaran Tamarin Samudra Tbk (TAMU) which rose 20 percent to Rp198, PT Perintis Triniti Properti Tbk (TRIN) which rose 3.42 percent to Rp242, and PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (TELE), which rose 3.14 percent to Rp197.

Those in the top losers ranks included PT Lancartama Sejati Tbk (TAMA) which fell 18.61 percent to Rp376, PT Totalindo Eka Persada (TOPS) which fell 12.93 percent to Rp101, and PT Indosat Tbk (ISAT) which fell. 8.76 percent to Rp1,980.