A Guide To Becoming Smart Citizens Jakarta, Here's How To Report Problems Through The Qlue Application

JAKARTA - Every city has its own problems. And every local government has a way to solve the problem. For the DKI Jakarta government, realizing the Jakarta Smart City is an alternative in solving various problems in the capital.

"Smart City increases citizen participation such as creating data, applications, providing input, and providing criticism," wrote the government at the official Jakarta Smart City.

Citizens' contributions play an important role in solving problems in the capital city. Therefore, the DKI Jakarta government designed eight official complaint channels. One of them is the Qlue application.

Qlue is a social media platform that functions as a media for reporting problems to the government, the private sector, or to share information between citizens. This application was developed by the Qlue Performa studio and has been working with the DKI Jakarta government since 2014.

Residents can report various types of problems through Qlue. Starting from scattered garbage, damaged public facilities, street vendors (PKL), illegal parking, reports of criminal acts, to potential terrorist acts.

Not only that, every resident can also report disasters such as floods, fallen trees, fires, garbage, and missing elderly people. In fact, citizens can also report government performance using this application.

Then, how to report problems via the Qlue application? Here are the steps.

1. Download the Qlue application. You can go to the Play Store or the App Store. 2. Next, login to the application. You can use Facebook, Google, or a previously created Qlue account. 3. If so, select the '+' icon. 4. Then three menus will appear. Among others, Report General Problems, Review Places, and Post to Local Residents. Select the Report General Problems menu. 5. Then the application will activate the device camera automatically. Users can take a picture of the problem they want to report and then click the blue circle button to save it. 6. After that, several report label options will appear. Choose according to the type of problem the user is facing. 7. Fill in the brief description in the table provided. 8. Finally, the report will enter the monitor screen and be followed up by related parties.