Regarding The Harassment Of Eid Al-Fitr Differences In 2023, PP Muhammadiyah Asks Its Citizens To Be Calm

JAKARTA - The Muhammadiyah Central Executive appealed to the members of the organization not to be provoked and to remain wise in responding to threats only because they are different in determining 1 Syawal 1444 Hijri.

"We urge residents not to be provoked by various ridicule, cynicism, accusations, blasphemy, criticism that attacks, so that there are individuals who threaten physically regarding differences in the implementation of Eid al-Fitr 1444 H," said PP Muhammadiyah Chairman Dadang Kahmad in a statement received by Antara in Jakarta, Monday.

Previously, there was a lot of discussion on social media regarding the difference in the determination of 1 Syawal 1444 Hijri. A person suspected of being a researcher from BRIN with the Facebook account name Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin commented on a link written by another BRIN researcher, Thomas Djamaluddin.

Initially Thomas commented that Muhammadiyah was disobedient to the government's decision because it was different from the determination of Lebaran 2023.

The link from Thomas was commented on by Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin through the Facebook account of Ap Hasanuddin with a cynical tone and threats to Muhammadiyah residents.

Dadang said Muhammadiyah has had a lot of experience being treated negatively or badly like that throughout its history until now.

"In the past, when Kyai Ahmad Dahlan pioneered the direction of proper Qibla sharia and science was treated similarly, accused of being infidels, and torn down the mosque he built in Kauman. Now a similar procession is directed at Muhammadiyah by people who may have knowledge, maybe because they feel right on their own or are dwarfs who are certainly not in line with the realm of the world of science and morals of Islam," said Dadang.

Dadang invites parties who are not in line with Muhammadiyah's Islamic views to prioritize common sense, objective scientific attitudes, and complaints about Islam like religious and knowledgeable people.

Moreover, a number of parties currently continue to echo moderation and tolerance in religion and nation, so these values must be proven.

"Muhammadiyah as an organization remains elegant in responding to negative attitudes and statements about differences in Eid because it is normal and used to it," he said.

Dadang encourages Muhammadiyah residents to keep thinking by prioritizing civility, science, thoughts, and noble attitudes, in dealing with a problem.

"If from the bad statements of those people against Muhammadiyah there are those who have crossed the limits and can enter the realm of law, of course the legal law is always open to be carried out, in line with the corridors guaranteed by the constitution and are respected in the nation," he said.