150 Homes Lost Due To Floods In Hulu Sungai Tengah

JAKARTA - Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in Hantakan District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan.

"An estimated 100-150 units of houses have been lost, the rest of their yard land due to flooding, the number does not include the report from the respective RT Chief and until now we are still processing the data," said Hantakan Subdistrict, Kartadipura reported Antara, Monday, January 18.

The floods also caused a number of public facilities to be severely damaged, including the building of SDN Bulayak, Pasar Hantakan, TK Pertiwi Hantakan, Mushola RT 3 Alat, SDN 1 Datar Ajad.

In addition, said the headman, five suspension bridges that were broken include Marai, Batu Tunggal, Alat Seberang, Alat Ujung, Datar Ajab.

"We have coordinated with the Department of Public Works and People's Housing (PUPR) Hulu Sungai Tengah," he said.

Of the 12 villages in Hantakan subdistrict, there are eight villages with many houses lost and severely damaged houses, namely Desa Desa, Hantakan, Batu Tunggal, Bulayak, Murung B, Haruyan Dayak, and Datar Ajab.

"Worst in Flat Ajab," he said.

The current condition of the local community is still cleaning, arranging the house from hardened debris and mud.