2,000 Cipinang Prison Prisoners Hold Congregational Eid Prayers
JAKARTA - A total of 2,000 inmates (WBP) of the Class 1 Cipinang Penitentiary (Lapas), East Jakarta, attended the Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah Eid prayer in congregation.
The activity took place at the Cipinang Class 1 Prison ceremonial field, East Jakarta, Saturday, April 22, morning.
"There were 2,000 pilgrims, thank God they can be accommodated in this ceremonial field," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kakanwil Kemenkumham), Ibnu Chuldun to reporters, Saturday, April 22.
In the Eid prayer this time, khatib Salat Ied carries the theme of increasing obedience to Allah SWT the Almighty God. This acceptance includes guidance and personality. Care for prohibitions that should not be carried out in prisons.
"Katib invites inmates in addition to obeying Allah's orders to also obey the rules and regulations that apply in our country and in correctional institutions," he said.
The Eid al-Fitr prayer was led by the imam and khatib ustadz from the South Jakarta City Ministry of Religion Office. The Eid prayer activity was attended by the DKI Jakarta Primary Officers, Correctional structural officials, Regional Offices and structural officials at Cipinang and Kalapas Prisons as well as Karutan throughout DKI Jakarta.