ASEAN 2023 Summit, Secretary Of The Ministry Of SOEs Ensures Electricity Reliability In Labuan Bajo

JAKARTA - Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs, Susyanto, reviewed the electricity preparation for PLN ahead of the ASEAN Summit 2023 which will be held from 9 to 11 May.

He asked PLN to ensure all electrical infrastructure readiness, including Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) for electric car charging to be used by delegates.

"In terms of electricity, PLN prepares everything according to the target, including the addition of power plants for the reliability of electricity supply in Labuan Bajo," said Susyanto to the media quoted on Saturday, April 22.

General Manager of PLN NTT Regional Main Unit I Gede Agung Sindu Putra who accompanied Susyanto, conveyed PLN's strategic steps in securing electricity supply during the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

"We ensure the reliability of reliable electrical system operations from the generator, transmission and distribution in Labuan Bajo, which are super priority tourist destination locations," said Sindu.

Main electricity security will be carried out at activity venues such as Hotel Meruorah and Forestry Resort. PLN also ensures a safe electricity supply at the Komodo and Sudamala Resort platforms where the ASEAN Summit 2023 delegates are staying.

"We also ensure that electricity supply is safe in other vital objects such as hospitals, security posts and tourist areas. We are preparing personnel and electrical support equipment," concluded Sindu.

PLN has also inaugurated the Flores Control Center in which there are the Flores Regional Control Center (RCC) and the Maumere Distribution Control Center (DCC). This infrastructure is the center for controlling the electricity distribution of the Flores system from Labuan Bajo to Maumere and the Flores Island electricity distribution control center.

"Currently we are continuing to strengthen the reliability of the generating system by ensuring the availability of sufficient primary energy and network uprating on the distribution side." he said.

Sindu continued, in order to support the mobilization of electric vehicles for the head of state, delegation and operations, PLN has also prepared 7 fast charging SPKLUs in the courtyard of the West Manggarai Regent's Office.

In addition, PLN is preparing 100 standing home charging scattered in the hotel parking area where the head of state and delegation are staying.

"For the SPKLU to welcome the delegation, 75 percent are ready, and the remaining 25 percent are expected to be completed in April 4th week. PLN has also doubled electricity security in Labuan Bajo. So for the buffer for the 2023 ASEAN Summit, efforts are made to be safe and run smoothly," said Sindu.

Furthermore, said Sindu, PLN has also alerted 320 personnel to move quickly to mitigate risks in carrying out security and responding to customer needs.

"We are also preparing supporting equipment such as 47 sets of uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 21 sets of mobile substation units (UGB), 6 sets of mobile cable units (UKB) and 34 units of generators," concluded Sindu.

In addition, PLN also formed a command center as a control center and monitoring for electricity alert during the Summit. The command center is equipped with monitoring equipment with the latest technology as a result of collaboration with PT PLN Icon Plus.