To Be Aware, Prokes Violators In Tangerang Are Sanctioned To Pray At Cemeteries

JAKARTA - The Civil Service Police Unit of South Tangerang City, Banten, has imposed social sanctions on residents caught violating health protocols (Prokes).

The sanction this time is unique because it requires the offender to pray at the Cemetery at Jombang Ciputat TPU.

Head of South Tangerang City Satpol PP Investigation and Investigation Section Head Muksin Al Fahri said the number of residents caught in the health protocol raid was 19 people.

Violators of health protocols were caught in raids carried out by officers at Rawa Lele, Villa Bintar and Puskesmas. Most of the offenders were caught because they did not wear masks.

"So these residents were caught while on the side of the road and there were officers on patrol. Then we gave social sanctions in the form of praying at the funeral so that they could raise awareness and concern," said Muksin in Tangerang, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 18

He said the offenders were invited to make pilgrimages at the grave and say prayers to avoid COVID-19.

"This is to provide awareness to care for each other. Because residents may infect others and have a vulnerable body condition that causes death. We must care for each other by always implementing health protocols," he said.

The City of South Tangerang is one of the regions that is included in the category to implement the Restriction of Community Activities (PPKM) based on the provisions of the Central Government.

South Tangerang Mayor Airin Rachmi Diany previously explained that the service process was improved from downstream to upstream. Where in the downstream government provides massive socialization to inform the implementation of health protocols. Meanwhile, in the upstream area, the treatment rooms are prepared.

His party has issued a mayor's circular regarding the tightening. for supervision, Satpol PP will conduct patrols to ensure that the field runs according to the existing circular.

The Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang, Benyamin Davnie, said that the current positive rate has increased to 5 percent from the previous 3 percent. Likewise, the death rate reached 5.4 percent from previously only 4.3 percent.