A Special Combination That Makes Erling Haaland So Scary With Manchester City

JAKARTA - The Norwegian national team striker, Erling Haaland, performed outstanding in his first season with Manchester City. An additional goal against Bayern Munich in the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals, Thursday, April 20 in the morning WIB, made him stronger as the temporary scorer with 12 goals.

In addition, he has collected 48 goals for Manchester City in all competitions. That's what makes his debut with The Citizens so special.

The secret behind the extraordinary Haaland season at Manchester City has been revealed as the striker posted photos consuming a'magic mix'.

As it turned out, he was powered by smoothie milk mixed with spinach and kale. Uploaded to Instagram, the striker posed with two liters of milk while writing pictures of'me and my magic concoction'.

His teammate at Man City, Ruben Dias, replied to Haaland's upload by posting a laughter emoji in the comments column.

Haaland's father, death, who is also a former Man City player, offered to help his son by milking cows in Norway. He also personally delivered the letter to his son to help him maintain his best performance.

Former Haaland coach, Erase Steenslid revealed how extraordinary the talented young player is. He even called Haalans' genetics very special.

"The mission is to respond very well to training because the genetics are privileged," said Steenslid.

"He gets 12 kg of muscle in 15 months. It's crazy. We built his muscles from scratch. He's always been the closest to the rotus and his plates are really a mountain of food."

"I designed a track for him where at one of the stations he had to hit a sack... and one day he divided it into two," continued the former coach.

Haaland even put up a 50 thousand-pound cryochamber at home to help recover his body. Cristiano Ronaldo has used similar technology to keep him fit.

The 22-year-old used a special technique to control his sirkadian rhythm, a 24-hour cycle that acts as an internal body clock, including wearing blue light glasses to reduce sleep-reducing screen effects.

As you can imagine, a diet is very important and Haaland eats calories - nearly 6000 a day and two and a half times more than men should have in general.

"I think eating quality foods that are as local may be the most important thing," he explained earlier. "People say meat is bad for you but which one? The meat you get at McDonald's?", he continued.

Haaland is known to eat organs and pieces of fat-free animal meat that are rarely used. It can be a source of rich muscle-forming protein.

Haaland also regularly practices yoga as a means of maintaining flexibility and stretching his muscles after use. Yoga has been shown to improve recovery, as well as regularly relaxes his body and mind and Haaland to meditate, even making it a goal celebration.

Another unusual improvement approach is Haaland's desire to help his sirkadian rhythm, an internal body clock that affects the sleep-building cycle.

Instead of sleeping to maximize rest time in the morning, Haaland wakes up early to absorb morning light.

He said, "The first thing I do in the morning is get sunlight in my eyes, it's good for the rhythm of the circadi."