Johan Budi Expresses The Government Is Impressed As Half-Hearted With The Revision Of The Law On ASN And Honorary Teachers

JAKARTA - Member of Commission II DPR-RI from the PDI-P Faction Johan Budi assessed that the government seemed half-hearted in revising Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Servants (ASN), especially honorary staff. He made this statement when Commission X held a working meeting with the government on Monday, January 18th.

"From the lengthy explanation earlier, I see that the government actually rejects this revision," he said in response to the presentation of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo at the Senayan parliament complex, Jakarta.

According to Budi, the revision of the ASN Law, which was initiated by the DPR, is part of the focus of the legislative body to resolve the dispute between honorary workers, which so far have not found a bright spot.

"Actually, at this commission, our concern was how to solve (problems) for honorary staff," he said.

In fact, the colleague of Menpan RB in PDI Perjuangan revealed that the problem of honorary workers can be resolved at the government level, and does not need to involve elements of the DPR.

"Is it issued a PP (Government Regulation) or regulations at the ministerial level, such as ministerial decrees," he said.

Budi hopes that the settlement of the honorarium problem can be completed before the change of state leadership in the next few years.

"Under the leadership of Pak Menpan RB now I hope it will be completed by 2024," he said.

For information, the DPR as a high state institution initiated the revision of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Servants (ASN Law) to be included in the 2021 national legislation program (prolegnas).

The renewal of the regulation is expected to accommodate the desires of millions of honorary staff who are categorized as K-2 (K-2) to obtain clear employment status. This is because the K-2 workers hope to be appointed as civil servants, while the government has yet to provide certainty about this.

As a middle ground, the DPR then proposed what were called government employees with a work agreement (PPPK) as a solution.