Eid Prayers In North Maluku Centered At The Shaful Khairaaat Mosque In Sofifi City

TERNATE - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Maluku (Malut) together with the Islamic Holiday Committee (PHBI) set the implementation of Eid Al-Fitr prayer 1 Syawal 1444 Hijri at the Shaful Khairaat Grand Mosque in Sofifi City.

"The North Maluku Provincial Government has scheduled the implementation of Eid prayers to be centered at the Shaful Khairaat Sofifi mosque," said Head of the North Maluku Provincial Government Administration Bureau, Rahwan Suamba, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 20.

Eid prayers at the Shaful Khairaat Grand Mosque were attended by North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba, North Maluku Provincial Secretary Samsuddin A Kadir and all OPD leaders of the North Maluku Provincial Government, while the Deputy Governor of North Maluku Al-Yasin Ali is planned to pray Ied at the Great Mosque of Weda City, Central Halmahera Regency.

For the implementation of Eid prayers at the mosque, acting as a preacher was entrusted to Ustadz Tariq Kasuba who is also the son of the Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasuba and imam Irwan Tomasoa, one of the imams at the Shaful Khairaat Mosque.

After that, the Governor of North Maluku Abdul Gani Kasuba together with the North Maluku Provincial Secretary Samsuddin A Kadir then received an open guest at the residence of Sofifi City.

Meanwhile, the Ied Prayer in Ternate City will be centered at the Gelora Kie Raha Ternate Stadium.

Head of the Welfare Section of the Regional Secretariat of Ternate City Muhammad Ichsan said the determination for the implementation of Eid prayers was the result of the PHBI and MUI meetings of Ternate City, the Ministry of Religion of Ternate City along with a number of Islamic organizations.

He stated that the Ternate PHBI City Government and other mass organizations this year held Eid prayers at the Gelora Kie Raha Stadium. The Ternate City Government will wait for the results of the trial to determine 1 Syawal 1444 Hijri from the Central Government.

"So for the date, of course, it is adjusted to the Central Government. For katib, DR. Kasman H Ahmad has been determined by the former Chancellor of Muhammadiyah and his imam H. Nakir Salawe," he said.