Netflix Gets Former Microsoft Xbox Creative Director To Work On AAA Game

JAKARTA - Netflix has recently embraced its game business, this time the company is reported to have hired the former Creative Director of Microsoft Xbox for the video game Halo Infinite, Joseph Staten.

Staten earlier this month announced he would be leaving the company, fortunately it didn't take long to find a new job, as he has now accepted a promising position on Netflix.

"So today, I am pleased to announce that I have joined @Netflix Games as Creative Director for the new AAA multiplatform game and the original IP. Let's go!," tweeted @joestaten.

Through her Twitter page, Staten also explained about her new position on Netflix, which she will again be Creative Director for the new AAA multi-platform game and the original IP.

Indirectly, Staten confirmed Netflix Games' intention to develop more than just developing mobile games. Earlier this year, the streaming platform will make today's mobile-only games play on TV, as quoted by Android Police, Tuesday, April 18.

He didn't give any other details about what games he was working on. It looks like Staten has joined a team working on a third-party RPG that Netflix has hired in recent months.

Netflix recently said it would launch 40 mobile games in 2023, free of charge for customers. The company also has 16 games in various stages of development in several internal development studios.