5 How To Remove Sleepy When Nyetir, Practice Long Distance Travel

YOGYAKARTA How to get rid of sleep when you are sleepy needs to be known by the driver, especially for those who are traveling long distances.

Driving in a sleepy condition is very dangerous, because it can cause traffic accidents.

In fact, so far many accidents have occurred due to falling asleep. Therefore, many parties provide socialization and recommendations not to drive in a sleepy position.

If you are sleepy while driving, you should take a break If you are sleepy while driving, it usually happens when someone is traveling long distances. The feeling of drowsiness that appears when someone is driving is called a microsleep.

That's why you have to know how to get rid of sleepiness while driving or driving. Adapted from the Gramedia Blog, here are a number of tips to get rid of sleepiness when you are tired. Check it out, yes!

Sleep before driving

Taking time to sleep before driving can prevent you from drowsiness when driving a vehicle.

If you don't have time to rest before driving on a long journey, then the action that can be taken is to take a nap for 15 to 30 minutes. This is considered capable of keeping your body fresh and can be more vigilant.

Drink coffee

When your eyes and body are tired, you can drink coffee to relieve drowsiness. The caffeine content contained in coffee can help maintain awareness while driving.

However, the benefits of coffee can only be felt about half an hour after drinking coffee.

For those who are used to drinking coffee, maybe just one cup can't manage to keep their eyes awake.

In this case, you can increase the consumption of the coffee. However, the portion is still maintained or not more than four cups in one day.

Taking a break in the middle of the trip

If you drive a car, the best way to get rid of drowsiness while driving is to sleep for a while on the comfortable driver's seat.

When drowsiness appears, immediately take action to pull over and try to sleep for 15 to 20 minutes.

Taking a short sleep time in the middle of the trip is called power nap. This activity can restore your energy.

Do a light muscle stretch

For those of you who ride motorbikes, drowsiness usually appears when driving on auction roads, hot and unfriendly weather.

To overcome the sudden drowsiness, you can pull over and stretch your muscles while walking for 10 minutes. Moving actively can keep your mind awake.

Rest every two hours

Next tip, you can get rid of sleep by taking breaks every two hours.

When sleepy eyes are forced to continue to drive relentlessly, the parts of the eyes and body will become more easily tired to increase the risk of accidents.

Therefore, try to rest every few hours even if you are not sleepy or tired.

Drowsiness Signs While Driving

Here are a number of signs indicating that you are sleepy when you are driving:

That's information about how to get rid of sleepiness when you wake up. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.