The Real Difference Between Serum And Essence In Facial Care

JAKARTA - The names essence and serum are two common products in facial care series. Both have similarities, namely a liquid texture and function to improve skin condition.

Even though they appear similar, in fact essence and serum have different functions. The two can even be used together in your daily facial care routine to provide optimal results.

Here are the real differences between essence and serum for facial skin care:


When viewed in terms of texture, this essence is actually more fluid than serum. You could say, essence is a combination product between toner and serum.

However, if the toner is used to remove remaining dirt and cleanse the face, the essence is used to help the absorption of further facial care products.

In other words, after applying the essence, the next product you use will absorb more easily and work better.

For use, you can clean your face first with a facial wash, use toner, then continue with essences. Can be used morning and night.

Most essences contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, a number of vitamins. Its function is to hydrate the skin, brighten, soothe irritation or redness, and make the skin smoother.


Serums are used to treat various skin problems with specific targets. For example, overcoming acne, oily skin, irritated and reddish skin, preventing premature aging, moisturizing under the eyes, evens out the skin tone, to disguise black spots.

Because of its various functions, not all serum content is the same. Starting from hyaluronic acid, ceramide, niacinamide, zinc, kojic acid, glicolic acid, peptides, and various types of vitamins.

Even though they are both liquid, the texture of the serum is actually a little thicker than the essence. Most serums are used at night because they give maximum results when you are resting and not wearing makeup.

For its use, it can be used after essence. Wait for the essence to penetrate properly into the skin, marked by the skin feeling moisturised and supple, even if it is not sticky. After that, then use a few drops of serum and smooth over the face.