BNPB Delivers 3.5 Billion Aid For Flood Management In South Kalimantan

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) handed over assistance in the form of Ready-to-Use Fund (DSP) worth 3.5 billion for flood management in South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel).

Reporting from the official BNPB statement, Monday, January 18, the DSP assistance was provided for the five districts that were most severely affected by the floods, including Banjar Regency, Tanah Laut Regency, Barito Kuala Regency, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency and Balangan Regency. Each of these districts received 500 million and 1 billion aid for the Provincial Government of South Kalimantan.

In his remarks, the Governor of South Kalimantan, Sahbirin Noor, said that with the support from the Central Government through the BNPB, it also served as an encouragement for the Provincial and Regency / City Governments to be maximized in accelerating disaster management.

"This gives us the spirit of impetus in facing the floods that hit us," said Sahbirin at the Flood Management Coordination Meeting in the South Kalimantan Region at Mahligai Pancasila Building, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Sunday, January 17.

On the same occasion, Head of BNPB Doni Monardo also said that the Central Government through BNPB would also provide assistance in the form of stimulant funds for residents' houses that were damaged due to flooding.

The amount of the stimulant fund is 50 million rupiah for severely damaged houses (RB), 25 million rupiah for moderately damaged houses (RS) and 10 million rupiah for slightly damaged houses (RR).

"In accordance with the direction of the President, we will provide assistance to people who have suffered damage to their houses, whether they are heavily damaged, moderately damaged or slightly damaged," explained Doni.

Furthermore, Doni asked the stakeholders in the regions to immediately collect accurate data in order to accelerate the process of distributing stimulant funds, so that the affected communities could immediately rise up.

"Later, ask the provincial government together with district / city governments to collect data on damaged houses," added Doni.

Then, Doni Monardo requested that a task force be formed which was then led by the governor to prepare post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. This needs to be done immediately together with all central components in the regions and related elements that involve the TNI / Polri, BPBD and regional offices.

"So that during the data collection process it can be accurate by name by address and after that we might be able to start the rehabilitation and reconstruction program," concluded Doni.