KPK Submits Cassation Against Decision On Appeal Tubagus Chaeri Wardana

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) filed an appeal against the appeal decision against Tubagus Chaeri Wardana, who is the younger sister of the former Banten Governor, Ratu Atut Chosiyah in a corruption case in the procurement of medical devices in South Tangerang and Banten.

"After studying the verdict on behalf of the defendant Tubagus Chaeri Wardana, Thursday January 14, the KPK prosecutor team has declared an appeal against the Jakarta High Court's decision," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri in his written statement, Monday, January 18.

Although he did not explain completely, this cassation was filed because the KPK prosecutor considered that there was an error in this decision.

"There was an error in the consideration of the judge's decision, especially in relation to the failure to grant the TPPU charges," he said.

"The full reasons and arguments will be explained by the prosecutor in the cassation memory which will soon be submitted to the Supreme Court through the Central Jakarta Corruption Court," he added.

Previously reported, the Jakarta High Court increased the sentence against the younger brother of former Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah, Tubagus Chaeri Wardana alias Wawan to 7 years in prison. Wawan looks at the corruption cases in the procurement of medical devices in Banten and South Tangerang.

"To state that the defendant Tubagus Chaeri Wardana has been legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption jointly, as in the first indictment of the second alternative. Sentenced the defendant to 7 years imprisonment and a fine of Rp200 million on the condition that if the criminal is a fine. "the decision was not paid, and was replaced by imprisonment for 6 months," said the decision by PT Jakarta as quoted by Antara.

However, like the first level decision, the panel of judges at the PT also stated that Wawan was not proven to have committed the crime of money laundering in the 2005-2012 period, which were the second and third charges.

"Therefore release the defendant from the second cumulative indictment and the third cumulative indictment by the Public Prosecutor," the verdict stated.

So that the panel of judges of PT DKI Jakarta unanimously stated that Wawan was free from the two charges of money laundering with a total value of around Rp1.9 trillion.

Wawan is considered only proven in the first case, namely as the owner or President commissioner of PT Bali Pacific Pragama together with Ratu Atut Chosiyah as the Governor of Banten for the period 2007-2012 proven to have committed corruption in the procurement of medical equipment for the Referral Hospital of Banten province APBD TA 2012 and APBD-P TA 2012 which caused losses to state finances amounting to IDR 79.789 billion and the procurement of medical equipment for General Medicine at the South Tangerang City Health Center for the 2012 financial year amounting to IDR 14.528 billion with a total state loss of IDR 94.317 billion.

For his actions, in the procurement of medical devices for the Referral Hospital in Banten province, Wawan received a profit of Rp. 50.083 billion, while in the alleged corruption of medical devices in South Tangerang, Wawan received a profit of Rp. 7,941 billion or a total of Rp.