Beauty Sleep, An Easy Way To Look Younger

JAKARTA - Sleep is the thing most often mentioned to maintain stress levels, emotions, and even beauty.

Yes, besides being the key to health, adequate sleep is also claimed to be able to maintain facial beauty. No wonder people often call it a beauty sleep or beautiful sleep.

Michael Breus, Ph.D, a sleep specialist at the MD Clinic, says that sleeping less than 6 hours per night can have an impact on your appearance.

Night sleep is a time when the skin works and repairs damaged cells. People who have a habit of sleeping late and even before the morning can experience premature aging faster.

Thus, if the quality and quantity of sleep is reduced, facial skin will automatically appear dull and usually look dry. At least, a person needs about 7-9 hours of sleep per night to get the beauty benefits.

With the busy life of everyday life, sometimes it is difficult to get a total of 8 hours of sleep a night and make up for it with a nap in the middle of the current WFH. Apparently, naps cannot make up for a short night's sleep.

According to dr. Juliana Yu MD.H, NH, a dermatologist and beauty expert from the House of Skinovation clinic, Jakarta, as quoted from Femina explained that napping serves to replace the decreased oxygen in our bodies.

"Naps can help reduce stress, but they cannot replace the night's sleep which serves as our body's natural detoxification medium," he explained.

Apart from getting enough sleep, beauty care products also play an important role in producing a youthful looking face. Treatment products with Vitamin C are usually used during the day for protection against UV exposure.

"Meanwhile, at night you can use skin care products with high levels of anti-oxidants," added Juliana.

Patricia Wexler, MD, a dermatologist in New York said that doing facial treatments at night is the key. Why? Because the skin repairs while you sleep.

"Blood flow is also more consistent, which helps the skin to benefit from the ingredients found in beauty products." explained Wexler.

The night beauty ritual can be started from cleansing-toner-serum-and closed with a night cream. Because the skin loses more water during a night's sleep, creams with high moisturizing content are highly recommended.

Don't leave your face 'naked' at night, because your skin needs nutrients according to skin conditions.