COVID-19 Cases Increasingly, Java-Bali PPKM Assessed Half-Heartedly

JAKARTA - It has been a week since the provinces of Java and Bali have implemented restrictions on community activities (PPKM). PPKM is effective from 11 to 25 January.

Instead of suppressing the spike in new cases due to the year-end holidays, it turns out that the increase in COVID-19 cases during the PPKM week cannot be avoided.

The increase in new cases from 11 to 17 January, respectively, was 8,692 cases, 10,047 cases, 11,278 cases, 11,278 cases, 11,557 cases, 12,818 cases, 14,224 cases, and 11,287 cases.

Now, the accumulation of COVID-19 cases has reached 907,020 cases. The positivity rate or cumulative positive result per number of people examined also increased, from 15.8 percent on January 11 to 16.3 percent as of January 17.

Seeing this, an epidemiologist from Griffith University, Dicky Budiman considers the government, in determining the rules for limiting PPKM mobility, seems half-hearted.

"The tightening strategy chosen, namely PPKM, in my opinion will not be very effective. The condition of the case development is serious, but the intervention is not maximal. It seems half-hearted. So, it is only natural that the problem is getting bigger," Dicky told VOI, Sunday, January 17 .

Dicky said that the tightening in PPKM was no different from the transitional PSBB policy which provided more flexibility than the regulations in the PSBB.

For example, this easing can be seen in the rules for places to eat that are still allowed to serve meals at places or dine-ins and tourist attractions that are still open. "So, it is only natural that the problem is getting bigger," said Dicky.

Therefore, Dicky said that the government should again tighten community mobility with the PSBB. This can be applied when the PPKM period ends on January 25. Because, the shadow of the increase in cases can still occur.

"It should later apply the correct PSBB, which is in accordance with the initial regulations. Coupled with the increase in 3T, namely massive tracing, testing and treatment," he said.

For information, PPKM Java and Bali are implemented in six provinces, but carried out on a micro-scale basis for each district / city. In the DKI Jakarta Province, it applies in all administrative cities, namely North Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, East Jakarta, South Jakarta, and the Thousand Islands.

In West Java, the city of Bogor, Bogor Regency, Depok City, Bekasi City, Bekasi Regency, and Bandung Raya areas such as Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi Regency are tightening.

Banten Province is located in the Tangerang Raya area, namely Tangerang City, Tangerang Regency, South Tangerang City.

In Central Java Province are Semarang Raya, Solo Raya, and Banyumas Raya. In DI Yogyakarta are Yogyakarta City, Bantul Regency, Gunung Kidul Regency, Sleman Regency, and Kulonprogo Regency.

In East Java are all areas of Malang Raya and Surabaya Raya. Meanwhile in Bali are Denpasar City and Badung Regency.

There are eight forms of tightening restrictions on community activities. The tightening is as follows:

Limiting workplaces to 75 percent WFH and enforcing strict health protocols. Online teaching and learning activities. The essential sectors related to the basic needs of the community continue to operate 100 percent by regulating operating hours, capacities, and maintaining strict health protocols. Limiting the opening hours of activities in shopping centers until 19.00 local time. Eat and drink at a place to eat or restaurant a maximum of 25 percent. Ordering food via take away or delivery is still permitted. Allow construction activities to operate 100 percent with the implementation of more stringent health protocols. Allow places of worship to impose a 50 percent capacity limit on the implementation of stricter health protocols. Public facilities and socio-cultural activities have been temporarily suspended. Arrangement of capacity and operating hours of transportation modes.