The Route Inside Monas For The Formula E Circuit Will Be Coated With Concrete Asphalt

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government is still finalizing the plan for the Formula E race track. The track starts from Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan to the Horse Statue area, enters the Southwest gate of Monas, then enters the Monas area.

After entering the Monas area, turn left to the west side and turn back to the south, exit right through the Southeast gate of Monas towards Gambir, then cross in front of the US Embassy on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.

When entering the Monas area, the DKI Provincial Government must automatically comply with the provisions concerning the management of cultural heritage. Head of the Highways Service, Hari Nugroho, said that the circuit that will pass through Monas will be covered with concrete asphalt (hot mix).

Design of the Formula E route in Jakarta (special doc)

"The plan is that we layer coublles stone or natural stone with a membrane or geotextile, then we will layer the hotmix. After the event, the layers can be dismantled again, because they are not permanent," Hari said when confirmed, Wednesday, February 12.

Continuing, the Director of Communication for Formula E Jakatya Dhimam Abror said that this coating technique is believed not to damage cultural heritage. The reason is, this experience was applied in Paris, France in 2016.

"So, when we have a plan or the governor proposes to make Formula E at Monas the first thing we think about is the preservation of Monas and Monas cultural heritage so as not to damage anything," said Dhimam when met at the City Hall of DKI.

Dhimam continued, the electric-powered car racing event was attended by 13 countries, namely England, Germany, America, France, Monaco, the Netherlands, Switzerland, New Zealand, Portugal, Brazil, China, India and Belgium. The total number of racers is 24 people with 12 teams.

The target audience who will witness it live is expected to reach tens of thousands. Meanwhile, ticket prices are still being studied by taking into account the purchasing power of the people.

"Indeed, we sell tickets with certain things. We are calculating the price now and hopefully it will be as affordable as possible by the community because this is a party from Jakarta people," he said.

For information, Formula E is the second most popular racing tournament after Formula 1. The difference with Formula 1, Formula E already uses an electric-powered engine so it is emission-free. Later this speeding action will be held on a highway that has been converted into a temporary circuit.

This racing event will be held on June 6, 2020. It is planned that this event will be held for 5 consecutive years.

In order to be able to hold Formula E, the DKI Provincial Government has proposed the DKI budget in the APBD to reach around Rp1.6 trillion. In detail, there is a budget of IDR 360 billion for the commitment fee to the Formula E federation.

In addition, a budget of Rp. 934 billion was disbursed for organizing funds which will be managed by the Jakarta Education and Sports Agency (Dispora). Separately, DKI BUMD, namely PT Jakarta Propertindo (JakPro), also requires a budget of IDR 305.2 billion for the cost of implementing it.