5 Small Steps That Are Beneficial To Improve Relationships With Your Partner

YOGYAKARTA Love, attention, and respect are the cornerstones of a lasting relationship. However, it turns out that many couples feel warmth and kindness at the beginning of the relationship only fades over time. For lasting relationships that continue to grow, every couple needs to treat each other with respect. This is implemented in terms of communication, behavior, and response.

Another factor that can contribute to the way we treat our partner is the congenital temperament. Psychotherapyist, author, and teacher, Andrea Wachter, LMFT., calling it derived' naturally. Some people may have mild heart, some tend to be serious. Others may be thicker on anxiety and some are also confined to sadness.

In addition, sensitivity also affects behavior. But apart from the congenital temperament, as long as it is committed to developing respect, relationships with your partner appear to be full of love, safe, intimate, and friendly. Here, a small step can be taken to improve relationships with your partner.

Like plants that need water and food, so does the relationship. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, April 16, relationships can dry up quickly if not maintained. So it's important to try, for example, to regularly date, plan fun things that are done together with your partner, and do activities together. Wachter suggested that every couple write a list of things they might want to do with their partner. Then exchange lists and discuss how to make them happen.

Having more than just being on one roof. Even though this is a good start, building a connection and making sure it's really present. Like making eye contact and showing sincere interest in your partner. Then place smart devices when you're together. Take time to talk without being distracted by social media.

Love relationships are about being good friends and being intimate. Many relationships start with chemistry sparks but fade over time without friendship as a basis. There are also couples who can be friends but are less romantic. So it is necessary to make regular efforts to foster friendship with goodness and games, as well as ignite the fire of intimacy.

Many people collect a pile of hatred about small things. These piles then hinder physical health, especially disturbing heart health. So, with tolerance and acceptance can result in an extraordinary relationship. That is, trying to accept or respectfully ask your partner to try to remember something, for example drying a wet towel or closing toothpaste after wearing it.

Most people want to be heard, understood, recognized, and cared for. Unfortunately, many couples don't get two ways. However, how others treat them tends to be how we treat them. Wachter's message, if we want things to change in our relationship, the best chance is to give what we want to get. For example, if you want to be heard try to be a good listener.

In addition to the five steps above, Wachter also provides the key to improving a partner relationship. Namely by assuming we all do our best, rest when emotions are high, and show your love for your partner.