BNPB: Flood And Landslide Emergency Response In Sumedang Set Until January 29th

JAKARTA - Head of BNPB's Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Raditya Jati said the potential for further landslides in Cihanjuang, Cimanggung, Sumedang, West Java, is still very likely to occur if rainfall is still high.

In addition, said Raditya, BNPB said that the Sumedang Regent, Dony Ahmad Munir, had also established a flood and landslide emergency response status for 21 days.

"Stay vigilant in the conditions of the La Nina period until February. We will continue to follow the development of the BMKG, that disasters can be triggered by high rainfall. The Regent of Sumedang has declared an emergency response for floods and landslides for 21 days from January 9 to January 29, "he said, in a virtual press conference, Sunday, January 17.

Raditya also explained the latest handling of the landslide disaster that occurred in Cihanjuang Village, Cimanggung, Sumedang, West Java. Based on data as of Sunday, January 17, the death toll has reached 29 and 11 are still missing.

At present, said Raditya, BNPB said West Java BPBD and Sumedang BPBD are also continuing to review residents' houses that must be vacated according to the PVMBG recommendation.

"BPBD Sumedang has built five refugee tents equipped with a public toilet truck and a water tanker in the Bird Park field," he said.

Furthermore, Raditya said, BPBD Sumedang also coordinated with related agencies to record the number of victims and refugees, looking for residents who were still missing.

"Stay alert because you are in a risk area, especially people who are at potential landslide points, coordination will continue to be carried out," he said.