Unbalanced Body Electrolytes, This Is The Cause And How To Overcome

YOGYAKARTA Electrolyte is a natural chemical in body fluids that include chloride, phosphate, potassium, sodium, and calcium. If the electrolyte is not balanced, it could be because the amount is too small or too much so it affects the function of the body normally.

You certainly know drinks that are formulated rich in electrolyte, such as sports or coconut water. In the body, the balance of the electrolyte is regulated by the kidneys by changing sodium levels according to the body's needs. Electrolytes are very important, because these chemicals help regulate fluid levels in the body and blood plasma, keep blood pH in the normal range, play a role in muscle contraction including heart rate. In addition, electrolytes also send messages from muscles, nerve cells, heart, and other cells. In the process of blood clotting and forming a new tissue, electrolyte also plays a significant role.

Incommensurate body electrolytes occur when the body loses a large amount of body fluids. For example, when you sweat too much or vomit, it can lower the levels of electrolyte in the body. In fact, when sweating you will lose 2-6 percent of your body weight. If not hydrated enough, sweating in lowering your electrolyte concentration.

Electrolytes imbalance, apart from above, is caused by several factors as follows:

In addition to identifying and recognizing the causes of unbalanced electrolytes, it is also necessary to recognize the symptoms. Whether due to a shortage or excess of electrolytes, it can be characterized by the following symptoms:

If you feel imbalanced electrolyte symptoms, you need to drink 4-6 ounces of water after every 20 minutes of physical activity. Apart from being treated by drinking, here's how to deal with unbalanced body electrolytes.

Coconut water has low sugar levels and does not cause blood sugar to soar. But it still has more calories than mineral water. If possible, you can drink coconut water without additional sweeteners to rebalance your body's electrolyte levels.

Sports drinks also help replace electrolytes that are lost due to electrolyte. Most of these drinks contain potassium chloride and sodium chloride. So if you exercise less than 75 minutes, mineral water is already working quite well to balance body electrolyte levels, reported by WebMD, Friday, April 14.

If your exercise duration is longer than 1 hour, electrolyte drinks fill the body's electrolyte faster. Usually as many as 8 ounces of electrolyte drinks contain 100 milligrams of sodium and 30 milligrams of potassium.

Eat foods rich in electrolyte

In addition to drinking the types of drinks above, you can balance the electrolyte by eating foods rich in electrolyte. These foods include potatoes, avocados, oranges, bananas, strawberries, turkey, and spinach.

Pantangan when the body's electrolyte is out of balance, avoid drinking carbonated drinks and energy drinks. This can make blood sugar spike suddenly. In addition, avoid heavy activities outside the room during hot weather and use room conditioning when exercising indoors, especially if you sweat a lot.