Semarang-Solo Toll Accident Victims Have Been Evacuated, The Death Toll Is 8 People

BOYOLALI - Police continue to investigate the case of a fatal accident that occurred on the Semarang Solo Toll Road, Km 487+600. Most recently, there were 8 people who died as a result of the accident.

"Lastly there were 8 (people who died-ed)," said Head of the Boyolali Police Traffic Unit, AKP M. Herdi Pratama when confirmed by VOI, Friday, April 14.

Herdi said that currently all victims had been evacuated to the hospital for further action.

"All have been evacuated," he said.

Regarding the identity of the names of the victims who died, Herdi admitted that he did not know the details. Because the identities of the victims were scattered.

"Not yet, mas, it has not been identified because his identity was scattered," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that 7 people died and 6 people suffered minor injuries in a fatal accident that occurred on the Semarang Solo Toll Road, Km KM 487+600.

Head of the Boyolali Police Traffic Unit, AKP M. Herdi Pratama, said that his party had recorded the identity of the victim who died and survived the accident.

"There were 7 people who died and 6 minor injuries and in the investigation," Herdi said in his statement, Friday, April 14.

Although dozens of people have been identified as the identity of the victim involved, he admitted that one more victim had not yet been identified.

Satu orang belum diketahui identitas (Mr.x) Penumpang KBM Isuzu Elf Nopol: S-7481-JA, ucap

Information from the police said the terrible incident occurred at 03.50 WIB, on lane A, towards Semarang to Solo.

Kanit 7 Sat PJR Ditlantas Polda Central Java, AKP Sarwoko told reporters there were 8 vehicles involved in the accident.