Widow Of Contract Owner Found Dead Tied To Lakban, Two Cars Lost

JAKARTA - A widow with the initials NA (62), the owner of an inn, was found dead with her hands tied and the victim's mouth covered with duct tape.

The victim was found dead at his Assirot inn located in the Kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta.

Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Andri Kurniawan, said that his party was still conducting an investigation regarding the death of an elderly person with the initials NA.

"We are still conducting investigations around the location. We are still collecting supporting evidence and statements from witnesses at the location," said Commissioner Andri when confirmed, Thursday, April 13.

When found, the victim's body was dead with his hands tied and his mouth taped. Meanwhile, from the results of the investigation, the victim's valuables were also stolen by the perpetrator.

"The victim's luxury vehicles were allegedly taken away by the perpetrators. For the case is still in the process of being investigated, we will provide further information regarding the development of this case," he said.

The victim's body has been taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta for a post-mortem. Until now, officers are still investigating the case of the discovery of the body of the widow who owns the Assirot inn. The case is still being handled by the West Jakarta Metro Police.