Government Submits Official Draft Omnibus Law On Job Creation Bill To DPR

JAKARTA - The government officially submitted the Presidential Letter (Surpres) and the draft Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill to the leadership of the DPR. The handover was carried out by Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartanto, accompanied by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah, Minister of ATR / BPN Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly, and Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya.

Before holding a press conference regarding the Job Creation Bill, the ministers had an excessively closed meeting with the DPR leadership. After the meeting, Airlangga ceremonially submitted the draft to the Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament, Puan Maharani, who was accompanied by two Deputy Chairmen of the DPR, Azis Syamsuddin and Rachmat Gobel.

Puan explained, the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill has also officially changed its name to Job Creation. So that the abbreviation has also changed and is no longer called the Cilaka Bill.

The Draft Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill, said Puan, consists of 79 bills, 15 chapters, and 174 articles which are planned to be discussed in the DPR. Later, the discussion will involve seven commissions.

"Later it will be carried out through the existing mechanism in the DPR, whether through Baleg or Special Committee. Because it involves seven related commissions to discuss 11 clusters consisting of 15 chapters and 174 articles," he said, in a press conference at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12.

It turned out that previously, the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani had also provided a draft of the Omnibus Law on the Taxation Bill which was planned to be discussed by Commission XI, this was also confirmed by Puan.

"However, it (the Taxation Bill) is not yet a final decision because according to the mechanism in the DPR, it will be discussed at the neat level and according to the existing mechanism it will be carried out together with the faction leaders in the DPR," he explained.

Submission of the draft Work Creation Bill from the Government to the DPR (Mery Handayani / VOI)

The government will finalize the Job Creation Bill

Economy Minister Airlangga Hartarto said there would be socialization related to the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill to all provinces in Indonesia. According to him, this socialization will involve all elements from the executive and legislative branches.

"There are seven related sectors, there are seven related commissions, of course our board members will be involved to socialize before the public can know what will be discussed, what will be decided, and also the impact on the national economy," said Airlangga.

The general chairman of the Golkar Party said that the Cipta Karya Bill was only submitted in February even though the actual schedule was December. The postponement of this schedule was due to the government's following the mutual agreement between the government and the DPR.

"The conditions are purely to create jobs in which in the global situation and with the corona virus one of the solutions to increasing employment is to carry out a structural transformation of the economy in the omnibus law," he explained.

On the other hand, Airlangga also admitted that he had received a word from Puan so that the public would not confuse the name of the Work Creation Bill into the Cilaka Bill. He wanted this bill to be called the Ciptaker Bill.

"Then everything has been prepared earlier, we explained related to what was conveyed by Ms. (Puan) that the title was Job Creation. It stands for Ciptaker, so that was a direction from the chairman of the DPR. Don't joke around," he said.

Meanwhile, Airlangga said that the government and the DPR would be open to hearing public input on the Ciptaker Bill. With a note, this will be carried out according to the mechanism when the discussion is already underway, in the form of a public hearing (RDPU).

Earlier, on this day, the masses of workers took action to question the Job Creation Bill. They also met with DPR leaders, including Rachmat Gobel, to convey their complaints. One of what they demand is the disclosure of information about the draft bill so as not to become public suspicion.