AGO Issues Sprindik On Alleged Corruption Case Of Asabri's Investment Fund

JAKARTA - Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes The Attorney General's Office issued an Investigation Order (Spindik) for alleged corruption in the management of finance and investment funds by PT. Indonesian Armed Forces Insurance / PT. Asabri (Persero) for the period 2012 - 2019.

"Yes, the sprindik (case of alleged Asabri corruption) has been published," said the Head of the Legal Information Center of the Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in a written statement, Friday, January 15.

The Investigation Warrant was signed by the Director of Investigation Febrie Adriansyah on behalf of Jampidsus. Sprindik Number: Print-01 / F.2 / Fd.2 / 01/2021 dated January 14, 2021 ordered several investigating prosecutors to carry out investigations into cases of suspected corruption in the management of PT. Asabri.

Leonard explained that in this case it was known that during 2012 to 2019, PT. Asabri has worked with several parties to regulate and control Asabri's investment funds in share purchase investments of IDR 10 trillion through affiliated parties and IDR 13 trillion investment in mutual funds. This was done through several investment management companies (MI) in a way that deviated from the provisions of the prevailing laws and regulations.

The act is suspected to have resulted in state financial losses as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

"Furthermore, the team of investigating prosecutors will soon arrange a schedule for summoning witnesses and other necessary legal actions and are planning to start examining witnesses next week," said Leonard.