Answer Is Whiteness Canceling Fasting? Here's Hadith's Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - Many women are wondering if whiteness cancels fasting. While fasting then finds vagina or vagina V experiencing whiteness, many women are worried whether this condition makes fasting invalid. So how do religious experts explain?

Whiteness is a physiological condition experienced by women every month. Whiteness is a normal process that appears before menstruation or after menstruation, and fertile period. When you experience whiteness, a white or clear fluid will come out of the vagina. The question then, does whiteness break the fast?

In Islamic teachings, everyone must be in a holy and clean condition every time they worship. Is whiteness an impure that can cancel worship? In Islamic law, whiteness is included in the Wadzi, namely fluid that comes out of the genitals due to certain circumstances or changes in the body's cycle.

The whiteness experienced by women will not break the fast. Reporting from the page, scholars say that whiteness does not invalidate fasting. Whiteness is different from menstruation or niphas which is a dirty liquid. menstrual blood or nifas is one of the things that invalidates fasting.

menstrual blood and nifas are fluids that come out repeatedly every month in women. Likewise, whiteness is a normal process experienced by women on a regular basis. However, whiteness is clean and is considered like urinating, so it does not invalidate fasting.

In the hadith narrated by Aisyah RA, that the Prophet SAW said: 'Dahulu we experienced something like that (haid), so we were ordered to perform fasting and were not ordered to pray.' (HR Bukhari and Muslim).

However, if in ablution conditions, then whiteness can cancel the ablution. So you still have to clean it first when you are going to wudhu and pray during Ramadan fasting. Whiteness is included in the blood category of istihadhah or disease blood. Istihadhah blood does not cancel a woman's fast, but cancels ablution and prayer.

This is in accordance with the hadith narrated by Fatimah bint Abi Hubaisy, that he asked the Prophet SAW:

'I'm a woman of istihadah, I'm not holy, do you pray?' The Prophet replied: 'The prayer is not a menstrual period, if you have menstruation, leave prayer, then if the size is usually over, take a shower and pray.' (HR Abu Daud, Ahmad and at-Tirmizi)

Whiteness that occurs due to natural cycles will not invalidate fasting. However, if the appearance of a white liquid accompanied by an orgasm, it makes fasting invalid.

"If the release of this liquid is due to excitement that does not reach orgasm, it does not invalidate fasting. The same applies to men. However, if the release of this liquid with extraordinary sexual pleasure, then it will invalidate fasting," said Dr. Jamal Badawi, professor of studies and religious management at the University of St. Mary and deputy chairman of Islamic American University, reported by Islamonline.

Fasting is not only demanding to be resistant from thirst and hunger, but also to endure sexual desire. If you do sexual activities during the fasting month until the release of a white liquid or organism, then the fasting is canceled.

Whiteness accompanied by spots can show signs of women's reproductive health problems. So when experiencing whiteness accompanied by spots, you should consult a doctor to find out the right treatment.

If the condition of the spots causes pain or discomfort, a person may break the fast. But you have to replace your fasting debt on another day. If this condition doesn't make you too sick, then it is recommended to continue fasting.

Mentioned by Ibb Abi Syaibah in Al-Mushannad, from Ali Bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu 'anhu,

If a woman after menstruating, she sees it like meat washing water or spots, or something like that, she should wash it with water. Then ablution and may pray without having to take a shower. Unless she sees thick blood. (HR. Ibnu Abi Syaibah no. 994).

That's the answer to the question of whether whiteness cancels fasting? The whiteness experienced by women does not cancel fasting. So women who experience whiteness can continue their fasting, but still clean them when they are going to wudhu and pray.

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